Saturday, March 18, 2006

I had to take some time away from the airwaves for reasons i can't
discuss yet, but i explain on the radio. But The radio is back on the
air today and tonight starting hopefully around 3-4 this afternoon.
As usual tune in and enjoy great music, Local Nyack News and events, i
will also be having a few new dj's and shows beginning in the next weeks.

Tune in in the Nyack Area on the radio on 102.5fm or if you like on
your computers at

On the air every night with new and different programming each night.
broadcasting till 2am or later

and as this is radio for Nyack about Nyack, if anyone has anything
they would like have announced on the radio, please email me it at

and for those who got this far in the email, i have a many Nyack
Pirate radio T-shirts they are very cool and bumper stickers, these
are free to the listeners, just let me know what size and i will drop
them off at Reality Bites or someplace to pick up.

here is some new additions and a sample of the schedule

1. Monday-Friday

* 2pm-5pm -Dj Johnny Silver
* 5pm-6pm -Drive @ 5 (An Hour dedicated to the TZ bridge Traffic)
* 6pm-9pm-Classic Rock with DJ Silver w/ Nyack Updates and News

* Monday

* 9pm-11pm-Old Time Blues -Rockland History and Lore (Prison
work-farm Blues)(Taj Mahal to Blind Willy Johnson)
* 11pm-2am-Dj Johnny Silver, Comedy, Techno

* Tuesday

* 8pm-11pm- (The DJ Frankie and friends Show)
* 11pm-1am- DJ Johnny Silver

* Wednesday

* 9pm-11pm-Dj C-Train and Crew (punk, rock, surfer chick)
* 11pm-12am- Comedy Hour
* 12am-2am-Replay of best of day shows

* Thursday

* 12pm-8pm-Dj Johnny Silver (Nyack News and Updates)
* 8pm-11pm Dj Legz the wayward sailor
* 12am-2am-technology show

* Friday

* 9pm-12am-Classic Hip Hop and Rock/ With updates on whats
happening in Nyack

* Saturday and Sunday is a mixed bag or all above

and now for some things to look forward to

My So Called Life On The Radio (The real life adventures of a Pirate
DJ, A special show being developed following the Pirate with his mic
around town live, as he gets in and out of trouble. This is
experimental radio.

And look for the New Radio Roving Reporter..MC Mike as he does updates
on where the happening places are in nyack each week.

Thanks for the support all comments and suggestions welcome

DJ Johnny Silver

Iron Action Radio


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