Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Just a quick update, Radio is going strong, tomorrow night wednesday Janet from "The Hook" Magazine will be stopping by the studio to take some photos of the studio for an upcoming article, so for those listeners who would like to see the inside of the underground studio here watch for the photos in the upcoming issue of the hook magazine.

A whole new batch of radio t-shirts are done and ready to be given away if you would like one please email me your address and size and i will get one right out to you. long sleeve or short sleeve.

remember to tune in each day starting around 4pm till 2am for all your nyack news and info and great music and comedy..

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I am working on making a whole new design of Pirate radio T-shirts. Geronimo, a listener got this drawn by a friend of his that is a pretty reknown graffiti artist. Look for the tshirts coming within the month of June

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Iron Action Radio is taking back the airways, Broadcasting every day 5pm-2am on 102.5fm

A) The future has imploded onto the present. The new battlefield is people's minds

B) The megacorps are the new governments

c) The world is splintering into a trillion subcultures and designer cults with their own languages, codes, and lifestyles.

d) Computer generated info-domains are the next frontiers

* Information wants to be free
* Mistrust Authority
* Do It Yourself
* Fight the Power
* Surf the Edges

What is Nyack Pirate Radio?

Taking the airwaves back from the corporations and using it for the benefit of the people. This requires RISK, TIME, and DEDICATION. I guess I got kind of proud over the last few weeks when I got so many nice e-mails telling me what a exciting thing I am doing, How cool it is to hear something that's so on the edge, in a day when things are so dull when it comes to media. When you can go online and download anything thing you want. Sometimes I wonder how can a Pirate Station compete..Well you can't compete online. You can't compete podcasting, its just not about that..These venues or vehicles of communication have been forced upon us just like all the corporate media has been shoved down our throats brainwashing us to believe in all kinds of propaganda, and to steer us away from developing our own truths and learning the old fashion way. That's why a Pirate broadcasters learn how send their voice out, They fight against the corporate greed stations, They do not do it for the money, but for the voice of the small people who want to believe there something out there to believe in something different then what's thrown at them each and every day.

Thats what this radio is!

Nyack Pirate radio station 102.5fm is back on the air
as of yesterday, be sure to tune in to hear all the
Nyack Social Scene news and events announced each
hour. The station will be focusing alot more on the
nyack scene and whats happening each night, reports
featuring the latest relevent post on the NSS and
updates on everything nyack


Nyack Calendar of events for the week
Bar and restaurant news (drink and menu specials)
Local Nyack store specials
Community news
and much more

so for those who can use another outlet to get there
news to the Nyack Public remember to post to the NSS
and if you want it to be announced on the radio Just
email me the info and it will be anounced daily up to
the event date.

Thes station takes the airwaves each day usually
around 5pm till 1-2am will a wide variety of music and
nyack info, you can tune in on 102.5fm and if you are
not in front a radio, you can listen online at