Thursday, February 23, 2006

Tomorrow Thursday, i am not sure is DJ Legz will be here if not i will try to get Jeronimo to stop by. Also during the early evening, Paul Riismandel From mediageek will be calling the station to Interview me about the station, paul has one of the most comprehensive websites on radio media well basically everything Media. Mediageek, dealing with stations on the fringe of the law ...Pirates! I will try to broadcast this live if i can set it up, so tune in at 7pm for that call.

I wanted to make sure everyone that checks the blog knows i am back on during the day.
Do to demand, i am going to take over the airwaves around 1pm each
day, Starting Today, so look for the Pirate anytime between 1pm and
2am, for great variety shows, Music and constant Nyack News and Info.

Also you can now tune in online at the updated Nyack radio web
site..the address is simple just press the
listen live button.

So remember to tune in when your in Nyack or from Work on the internet.

DJ johnny Silver

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Monday, February 20, 2006

Many of you out there have not seen part 3 In the pirate Radio Trilogy "Return of The Agent" Above is The trailer for the film ,adn if you are interested in getting a copy please email me your Info so i can snail mail you a DVD Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 17, 2006

There are some new pictures posted on the blog..check it out now

Here's a picture of the setup in the studio, i know when i began my pirate radio career, i always enjoyed seeing other stations setups, so i hope this benifits someone Posted by Picasa

Here's Dj Legz doing his show, talk about a guy who likes to eat, i had no place to work, with ever improving programming i find it more necessary to have one person running the board, controling all the mics (i have 4 at the station) and the audio inputs. Posted by Picasa

Its been a while since i updated the site here, There is just so much going on with the station, and the listenership has skyrocketed, DJ Legzz had another great show last night, it was a one of the funnier shows we did together. His wayward sailor persona is enjoyable. I added another 10ft to the antenna height and that has help the range of the signal, the only problem there is a wind storm today and i am afraid the whole thing could come crashing down any sec...ahh the life of a pirate broadcaster. So the internet has also become a viable source for listeners, but i still push that true pirate radio is over the airwaves. My next project is to finish the Nyack Pirate radio web site and i will use this weekend to do that and just have a streaming link added to the the site. right now if you would like to listen you must goto and do a search for Nyack pirate, but hey this just i was typing this blog entry the antenna was blown over on the roof and i just had dj legz come over to help get it back up and secure, so i took some photos of the action and i will add some pictures of the DJ Legz show in action.. and hey just got a phone call from tim terror who said he is picking me up in the bronx, WOW!! thats great news as the bronx is about 20 miles away 4 town away..i am skipping right down the Hudson River with the signal..well let me get these photos on here!
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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I really enjoyed the prison-work farm blues show I did today, but I started the day off with a show consisting of great classic rock "live" tunes. I feel this will be a permanent show on the schedule, and I already have my show planned out for next Monday, I ordered a new batch of t-shirts they are the coolest shirts yet, and I will be giving these to my most loyal listeners as prized they will be limited edition colors (black and red) and I hope to get a picture up here tomorrow. I will be replaying this show tomorrow during the day starting around noon. Thursday there will be a new show starting with DJ Legz one of the original dj's from the station back in the 90's. I look forward to the show, for 2 reasons, legz always has a great show, and second it will give be a break to enjoy the station as a listener. The station takes a lot of time, and dedication. All I need to do now is promote the station more ! Well its 2:21am and it about time to shut the station down.

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